Project Description
The Horned Dorset is a 5 star hotel in Rincon, Puerto Rico. I was asked to assist with the overall design project, headed by Jeremy Phipps of Media Horse Marketing. My portion of business requirements for this project was to create a booking system, using the Woocommerce platform. The platform itself doesn’t have bookable products, so I had to extend the framework to allow for bookable hotel rooms.
Project Details:
Client: Media Horse Marketing
Date: Complete and Live!
Customized Cart
The Horned Dorset’s rooms are so pricey, they wanted to only require a 50% deposit at the time of booking. In order to accomplish this, I had to work some magic with php and javascript on the back end.
Custom Payment Gateway
Because of the deposit amount required isn’t the full invoice amount, we had to come up with a way to pass only the value of the deposit required to the payment gateway. Once again, this required us to dive in under the hood with php to make that happen.